3.PEAKS 三山牌、ANEX 安力士牌、MARVEL、MORI 摩利牌、TOKEN 東京牌 全中國 ‧ 香港及澳門總代理
電話: (852) 3563 9561

公司簡介 | Company Profile >>
雅廸行ARTIC ENTERPRISE CO.,成立於1978年,是一間主要經營各類五金零件及工具的代理商。 在過去的三十多年的時間裡,不斷引入高質素的五金產品。於2011年,正式改名為 雅廸行貿易有限公司ARTIC INTERNATIONAL TRADING LIMITED, 並擁有多個日本知名品牌的獨家代理權:3.PEAKS三山牌工具鉗、ANEX安力士牌螺絲批、曲批及電批咀等、MORI摩利牌雲石介碟、Shinfuji火槍、TOKEN東京牌拮碟、DAIHATO銅絲曲勾、 JUPITER通頭批咀、KIYOZURU-8清鶴牌樹枝剪。

我們一直秉承「忠誠可靠、以客為先」的服務態度為宗旨,憑著多年來累積豐富的市場知識和經驗, 深入了解各項代理產品的特性,並確保代理產品之質素,一直維持良好的信譽及口碑, 而又深得客戶多年來的鼎力支持和愛戴,以至成為香港知名的五金代理公司。

Artic Enterprises Co. was established in Hong Kong since 1978. We mainly engaged all kind of metal hardware parts and tools. We have more than 30 years’ experience for importing high quality metal hardware parts and tools.

In 2011, we renamed as Artic International Trading Limited. We are the sole agent in Hong Kong of the following Japanese products: “3.PEAKS” quality pliers; “ANEX” high grade screwdrivers; “MORI” diamond cutting wheel; “Shinfuji Burner”; “TOKEN” cutting wheel; “DAIHATO” brand solid brass made hooks & eyes; “JUPITER” brand through blade screwdriver and “KIYOZURU-8” brand shears.

Our mission is trustworthy and to provide highest quality service to customers. Hence, we have gained market information & knowledge in this industry. We understand the characteristic of each brands and products and maintain the quality of our imported products. We have good reputation and support from clients and become one of well-known metal hardware distributor in Hong Kong.


  • Shinfuji Burner
  • 3.PEAKS 三山牌
  • ANEX 安力士牌
  • MORI 摩利牌
  • TOKEN 東京牌